Tuesday, 30 October 2012

EXP2- Week 5


I've been trying for so long to get rid of this application error, every time i save it doesn't go through had i have to start from where i left off.I can't even export because it comes up with this error :S
All i need to do is export my newest version of my building to cryengine then just take afew snapshots for the video but it's not allowing me to! >:(

Independent Study

My strategy for interactively demonstrating the notion of decay is to use the blend layers technique to show both the overgrowth of weeds and vines throughout the building and the burnt/flooding effects that the house went through at a point in time/over time. I'm also planning on having some of the buildings weaker points crack such as the roof and maybe some of the floor. When a person steps of walks through a part of the building, some cracked parts will fall apart.

Monday, 1 October 2012

EXP2- Week 4

Blend layer attempt:


1. Tomorrow When the War Began
The environment of the trailer is what I aim for, a very earthly vibe with nature surrounding everything & the destructive CG effects are very appealing.

2.  Today After Tomorrow

From the start of the trailer, it grabs the viewers interest straight away because of the earth's and its inhabitants strange reactions- giving the vibe that something massive is about to happen keeping the audience attentive and interested which is what I aim to do.

3. The Avatar

The effects of this movie keeps me motivated that I can do similar things with cry engine with this next assignment.

The trailer slowly climaxes to the purpose of the story which is the 'twister' and its commencement onto the town- the slow build-up of the trailer keeps the audiences interest on edge.

5. The war horse
I chose this trailer because it conveys it's story well and it cuts its transitions of each scene very well resulting in an emotive atmosphere.