Wednesday 5 September 2012

Week 5

My cryengine file is displaying an error at the bottom of the screen showing a warning message in yellow (see image below) and as a result of that the whole file has been corrupted. >:(

So what I have to work with is a file that I have saved way back before I created all the effects like the sky and decals etc.

Evidence of using:





Independent Study

My strategy for the concealing and revealing of my letter/number combination (3 and O)to be embedded into my island is from the macro through to the micro is having sets of three's of small rocks, clumps of leaves in three piles, having three animals in an area- basically all the small ( and commonly surpassed) details will have a total of three- (in the final video I will have a tag on the side pointing out on what to look out for!). The "O" from my last name is revealed in the O shape of the island, and the mountain tips will be a small O. At the top of my snowy mountain, there will be a mysterious man living there alone- the original owner of the island just one man who's an Oceanographer (a scientist who studies physical and biological aspects of the seas.) So naturally there will be objects with will emphesize this oceanographers presence with places where he can study the sea, on a boat,a car to travel the island with etc. The O will also be revealed in the edges of some of sides of the ocean revealing a half O.

1. Mushrooms, Lillypads, Leaves in three groups. (small)

2. Frogs, fishes and turtles in groups of threes

3.  A bird soaring above the island in an O shape

4.  One house at the top of the mountain for the oceanographer :)

5.  The whole island makes out to be the letter O.

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